Saturday, February 5, 2011

Life -bigger than life

Rahul looks life as a mere vehicle through which he can reach his destination.  And he molds himself in that way. He doesn’t even feel the urge to go for extra mile for his own sake.  Rahul looks life as All taken for granted. Every day he uses to go to his office, do office work and comes back to home. It is his daily routine. He never ever opts for better opportunity. Rahul believes his boss more than what he believes himself. He accepts as true that his present job, where he is for more than 10 years is his ultimate goal, only serves his breed and butter and no one else in this world.
Many Rahuls are there in this world. They don’t even know how much potentiality they have. They don’t even see themselves. These are the lacks. We need to know ourselves first. What we think about life, actually, the fact is that, the life is bigger than that. Your life is your world.
Most of the people think negative way of life and if this thinking persist for a long then these kind of negative behavior could be acute in syndrome. It not only affects our mind or psychologically but physically also.
If you think positive, life could be different to you. You could find immense resources from life, could find enormous energy, invaluable love and never end peace. 

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